Sunday, December 26, 2010
System Tool 2011
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Happy Holidays
Monday, November 29, 2010
Poor Attitude=Poor Service?
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Empty Words
In arguments there are certain words that should be avoided, because they add no weight to your argument at all. Just like a grammar teacher would read your paper and utter the horrible phrase “This is fluff; get rid of it” there are certain words you can throw about in an argument that are the Debate equivalent of “fluff.”
Some of the words in question would be Prude, Legalist, Religious, Open-minded and Close-minded. While we all have a general definition of what these words mean, the personal opinion of each person of what amount of a characteristic makes a person such a word is different. For example, I may think a person is a prude if the mention of making babies seems an offensive line of conversation, whereas someone would think me a prude for not wanting to see a naked ballerina dancing around in some weird role as Caliban from The Tempest (yes, this actually happened to me). Which definition is right and which is wrong? The answer is that neither is right nor wrong, and since there can be no right or wrong it seems a pointless word to use in an argument.
The reason to avoid such terms in arguments is because they are generally used to try and give credence to or take credence away from one’s argument, while actually adding no weight to the argument at all. For example, someone might say “Well, Hollie is legalist and close-minded, so just ignore everything she says.” The issue with that statement is that you have not disproved any sort of argument I might have been trying to make. I may be legalist according to John Doe, but what does that have to do with the argument at hand? If the argument is about whether abortion is right or wrong, for example, and I say it is wrong because a baby has a right to life as well, what purpose does calling me legalistic serve? My argument is not about legalism. I presented my point of view, and the logical answer would be to refute that argument with another point of view (perhaps a claim that babies unborn are not human, and thus have no right to choice, but are instead fetuses with no rights of their own?). Upon reading that I am a “legalist and close-minded” people might feel inclined to disregard anything I have to say, though. That serves a major disservice to my arguments, which should not be affected by whether John Doe thinks I’m a close-minded legalist or not. The strength of an argument is not determined by my personal character. It is determined by the logic of my statements, and the persuasiveness of my words.
Basically, if a word used in an argument does not refute a point, but instead tries to qualify or disqualify an arguer by pointing out an aspect of their character, it should be avoided. It is bordering on ad hominem to use such words, and no one wants to partake in that form of arguing, now do they? Of course, this does not mean any word should steadfastly be avoided forever and for always. Simply avoid it when trying to make a sound argument.
If any words come to mind that you would like to add to my list of “Empty Words,” by all means feel free to share them with me.
This was a rambling written at 12:45 in the morning, so do forgive any part of the text that is confusing. I was so excited by the thoughts pouring into my brain that I simply had to type them out before they disappeared from my sleepy brain. Sure I could have reexamined my text at a later time, but I rather abhor editing. It’s boring, and I do enough of that in school.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Follow your heart?
Thursday, July 8, 2010
God wants me to be happy
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Today I have been thinking a lot about anniversaries. First it was in disdain and annoyance, because my current home church is celebrating its 25th anniversary this weekend. Second it was in melancholic remembrance, because I realized a few hours ago that today marks the one month anniversary of my friend’s passing. These completely contradictory responses to anniversaries has me wondering how one common event could elicit so many conflicting emotions, and how have we allowed such a thing as anniversaries to take such hold of our emotions?
I will start first with the annoyed feelings I get when thinking of anniversaries and move on from there.
To explain my feelings in a clearer manner about my church: since the beginning of the year, each Sunday a lady has come to the front of church and read a “historical moment” about the church, leading up to the eventual celebration of the church anniversary tomorrow. The actual anniversary celebration is this whole weekend: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The church is pretty much obsessing over the anniversary, and I am left wondering what exactly the happiness is about. For the past 25 weeks, God has rarely been mentioned in relation to this anniversary celebration. It’s just all about partying, being happy the church has been around 25 years, etc.
It is because of this that I feel annoyance in relation to anniversaries. It seems that sometimes people get so caught up in the celebration of anniversaries that they forget the original purpose for why they are celebrating at all. Celebrating the anniversary of a happy and good date is not a bad thing, but sometimes people lose sight of what is important. With the example of my church, it seems they have become so caught up in celebrating, that they are forgetting to focus on the important thing: God has blessed the church spiritually and financially to survive for 25 years to spread his gospel to this world.
Happy anniversaries should be something special, focused solely on the event being commemorated, and should not be cheapened by over-indulgence in the moment.
Happy anniversaries should also not be cheapened by bad attitudes because someone may have possibly forgotten the anniversary. We are all humans, and prone to forget things. If an anniversary is important to you, and you wish someone to remember it, make sure to remind them. Just because a person forgets does not mean that the original event that is being commemorated was unimportant to them. They just have a plethora of things to remember. Specific dates from the calendar may get misfiled in their memory-laden brain.
On the other side of things, we find anniversaries for less-than-joyful events. In my case, it would be the passing of a friend. For others it may be the anniversary of a divorce, or the anniversary of being fired, etc. I don’t know. Whatever it is, these anniversaries seem to always effect our emotions adversely. It seems irrational that such anniversaries can completely ruin a good mood. Until I realized it had been a month since my friend has passed, I was having a good day (boring, but good). Now it’s like happy-sad-okay-sad-happy-crap!-meh-okay just because I remembered my friend died a month ago?
It seems like anniversaries for bad things should not be remembered at all, but the dates are not something you can forget. Why should a day bring you down? Why should I let this day make me melancholy? Today is a good day, because I am alive and healthy. Should I not rejoice over that instead of mourn over the loss of a friend?
It is weird how anniversaries can control our emotions so completely. What is it about anniversaries that can cause our moods to shift from bad to good, good to bad? It's just another day in the year, and while it is nice to mark momentous events, should we really allow anniversaries to take control of our emotions the way that we do?
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Today Has Been OK
Emiliana Torrini has a song titled "Today Has Been OK," and lately I feel like that's been my life. Granted before May 26th my life was boring, but it was good. Since May 26th it's been OK. A friend passes away, what do you do? Some days will be good, and then night comes and I'm left in bed thinking... thinking is no good. I mean, I guess it's gotten better. For the first two weeks I would wake up and count the hours until I could go back to sleep. Now at least I don't go through the day waiting for night to come so I can go back to dreamlands where he might be there alive waiting for me. Nighttime is still the worst, though.
I thought it was getting better, but early Friday morning I had a meltdown and just laid in bed crying, and when I stopped crying I had a headache, and then I was angry because I had a headache and couldn't get to sleep, and I cried to God. I still have no answers from Him. Probably because my questions were selfish. On the bright side, today has been ok (of course, it's only 2am, so today hasn't had a chance to go downhill)
I realize I should be all “count it all joy when you fall into various trials” and stuff, and I’m trying, but it’s not exactly easy to be joyful that my friend is freaking dead! And it’s not easy to not talk about it for fear of ruining people’s happy moods. Other than my mom, I don’t really talk to anyone about how I’m feeling because I’m not going to be the one to be like “Yeah, that was a hilarious joke, and by the way I feel like crap because my friend is dead.” And then people can be like “Thanks Hollie, way to be a joy kill.”?
I know usually my blogs have some sort of insulting point to them, but I’m just venting right now, so get over it.
There are just some people in life that are easy for most anyone to befriend and open up to. Those people should never die, especially not young. It’s sad that anyone should die, but people like my friend dying is a tragedy. I’ve thought why not one of my others friends? Why not me? Out of all the billions of people in the world why the heck was the one person who was freaking loved by everyone the one who had to die?! I’m pretty sure it would have been less tragic if I had died, even. I did not touch as many lives as him by a long shot.
No, I don’t want to die, and I don’t want my friends to die. I’m just trying to understand why we are alive and he isn’t. I know people die all the time, too, but this is the first time I’ve ever had a close friend pass away. It’s not really something one learns how to deal with in school. Although now that I think about it, why isn’t there a Grief 101 course? Sure everyone deals with it differently, but it’d still be nice to know what thoughts are normal and which aren’t and stuff. Stupid American schools.
And oy vey with the haywire emotions. The other day my dad said I couldn’t drive him to Wal-Mart, and I had to leave the room before I started crying. I was watching Ernest one day, and I started tearing up while watching the movie. Ernest! Who cries while watching Ernest? Really? It’s kind of funny to think of now, but on the Saturday after May 26th my little brother ate my bag of Twizzlers my dad had bought me as comfort food, and I pretty much blew up at my brother, and then I went to my room to sit in anger as I tried not to cry. I obviously wasn’t angry about the Twizzlers, but it was a way to let out some emotion. Of course, I try to hide most of my emotional spill-overs, because I don’t want my family being uber-nice to me just because I lost a friend. That would probably be worse. I’d rather they treat me normal. Life isn’t normal though. I don’t know when it will be. Another month from now? 6 months? A year? Why don’t people have timelines for this?
I don’t know. I could go on writing for paragraphs more, so I'll stop. Kudos if you read through that whole ramble. It's really long and rambly.
"...all the same I miss you. Today has been ok. Today has been ok."
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Excuse my sin
1) You can point out the actual sins of others. "X does Y sin, so I can do Z sin."
2)You can point out the Old Testament laws people don't follow, and say because those laws aren't followed then who is to say what you're doing is still a sin? "Well, people eat pork and wear clothes with mixed materials, so it's okay for me to do Z sin."
Both methods of argument are flawed and faulty thinking used by the flesh to keep you sinning.
Dealing with Point 1, your main concern should not be how others are sinning. Your main concern is how you are sinning, and how to fix it. Sins are not like negatives in math to cancel each other out. Just as Jesus says you cannot judge another's sin without first fixing yourself, the inverse works as well: you cannot excuse your sin by pointing out the sins of others. God will judge you based on your life alone. Holy Spirit will only be able to work well in a clean temple, and your temple does not become clean by pointing out the sins in others.
Now on to Point 2. First of all, let me make a few clarifications. Each person is required to live according to the truths revealed to them from the Bible. When a new truth is revealed, the person is then required to living according to that truth. For the point of this discussion there are 2 types of truths revealed to Christians. There is the truth (or belief) revealed to one group of Christians that the OT laws are still in affect today, and then there is the truth revealed to another group of Christians that specific OT laws are no longer in affect today. All else being equal, both groups have these beliefs based on the truths revealed to them. We will not go into whether these groups are right or wrong, because that is beside the point. The point is that both groups have scriptural foundation for their beliefs.
Now that we've clarified that point, I can move on to actually dissecting Point 2. For the Torah-following Christians, you cannot use the argument of "well, they don't follow those laws, so I can do Z sin" because they do follow the laws. Simple.
For the nonTorah-following Christians, they do not follow Torah based on a very specific understanding of the scripture, and it is the ceremonial laws only they no longer follow. They still follow all the moral laws. As such, their understanding of the truth dictates they are not sinning by not following specific laws. This means that unless the sin you are doing is ceremonial (and as such isn't actually a sin) then you can't compare it to the perceived sins of others.
That's all.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Christian Music
Last night at Bible Study my mom taught on compromise, with a special focus on Christian music. This led me to bring up the point about how a lot of my Christian friends will say they don’t listen to Christian music often, because it gets boring listening to the same thing over and over again. By this they mean it gets boring listening to songs about God over and over again? That always seemed silly to me, since there really isn’t anything else Christian artists can sing about. They’re Christians; they’re going to sing about God. After all, our purpose in life is to praise Him.
I will be the first to admit that a lot of contemporary Christian music is annoying and can get old pretty fast, but that’s because the music is more about humans than it is about God. It’s all about what God does for us and how God will accept Christians just the way they are (which is a horrible attitude, mind you. Once saved, God should not have to keep catering to your sinful lifestyle and “accept you the way you are.” Once saved, you know better) and all that mumbo-jumbo. But songs that actually worship and praise God shouldn’t be boring, in general. While I realize everyone has a personal taste, there are plenty of different Christian artists out there who worship and praise God in different genres. Leeland compared to the Gaither Vocal Band, for example. Both center their worship around worshipping God, but they do so in very different styles.
Personally, I tend to get tired of secular music much faster than I do Godly music. I can only listen to songs about worldly stuff for so long before it gets dull.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
National Day of Prayer
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
"Anger always leads to hate" counterexample
In my blog "Vague" I stated “‘Anger always leads to hate.' That is an amazingly vague generalization that numerous people could interpret to mean a plethora of different things. I won’t go into the logic of how that statement is very unsound... I'll leave that for another blog." This is that blog (+1 for stating the obvious?).
So the argument is: Anger always leads to hate
… Or…
If you are angry, then you hate.
Premise 1(P1): if you are angry, then you hate
Premise 2(P2): you are angry
Conclusion (C): you hate
P1: If you are angry at your mom, then you hate your mom
P2: You are angry at your mom
C: You do not hate your mom
(For whatever reason your mom has momentarily angered you, but all else being equal, mentally sound humans do not hate their mothers after being angered by their moms once, thus proving the original argument wrong)
P1: If you are angry at the table, then you hate your table
P2: You are angry at the table
C: You do not hate the table
Time for logical symbols and whatnot:
H= I hate mom
If/then = ⊃
Not = ~
P1: If I am angry at mom, then I hate mom.
P2: I am angry at mom
C: I do not hate mom
P2: M
C: ~H
M-- H---~H---M ⊃ H
And with a counterexample we prove that
"P1: M ⊃ H
P2: M
C: ~H"
is an invalid argument.
confusing explanation of the tables:
F = False.
~H is the opposite of H, so you switch around the Ts and Fs. In English, “I hate you” is the opposite of “I do not hate you,” so if “I hate you” is true then “I do not hate you” must be false, and vice versa.
M--H---~H---M ⊃ H
M-- H---~H---M ⊃ H
The first line is a counter example because we have all true premises and a false conclusion. A counterexample means the argument is not valid. Thus the argument that anger toward your mom leads to hate is invalid.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Racial Discrimination
Richmond v. Croson Company
Justice Scalia states in his opinion that, “…those who believe that racial preferences can help to ‘even the score’ display, and reinforce, a manner of thinking by race that was the source of the injustice and that will, if it endures within our society, be the source of more injustice still.”
Justice Stevens states in his opinion that, “Imposing a common burden on such a disparate class merely because each member of the class is of the same race stems from reliance on a stereotype rather than fact or reason.” (the burden in question being that the assumption is made that all white men at one point in time practiced unlawful discrimination against minorities)
Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Pena
Justice Thomas states in his opinion that, “So-called ‘benign’ discrimination teaches many that because of chronic and apparently immutable handicaps, minorities cannot compete with them without their patronizing indulgence. Inevitably, such programs engender attitudes of superiority or, alternatively, provoke resentment among those who believe they have been wronged by the government’s use of race. These programs stamp minorities with a badge of inferiority and may cause them to develop dependencies or to adopt an attitude that they are ‘entitled’ to preferences…”
Grutter v. Bollinger
Justice O’Connor states in her majority opinion that racial balancing "is patently unconstitutional.”
Justice Scalia states in his opinion that, “the nonminority individuals who are deprived of a legal education, a civil service job, or any job at all by reason of their skin color will surely understand.” (sarcasm in the Supreme Court is even more amusing than sarcasm amongst us mere mortals)
Justice Thomas (quoting Frederick Douglas) states in opinion that, “ ‘…And if the negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone! … Your interference is doing him positive injury!’ Like Frederick Douglass, I believe blacks can achieve in every avenue of American life without the meddling of university administrators.”
Justice Thomas further states, “When blacks take position in the highest places of government, industry, or academia, it is an open question today whether their skin color played a part in their advancement. The question itself is the stigma- because either racial discrimination did play a role, in which case the person may be deemed ‘otherwise unqualified,’ or it did not, in which case asking the question itself unfairly marks those blacks who would succeed without discrimination.”
*** *** ***
I quote all of that to say this: I do not approve of racial discrimination. Whether the discrimination is used to help a minority (such as in Grutter v. Bollinger, where discrimination is used to guarantee a certain amount of racial minorities a spot in Michigan Law School), or it is used to harm a minority, I don’t approve of it.
“Helpful” racial discrimination at this point in time is more harmful than it is beneficial. We are at a time in history where “helpful” racial discrimination is no longer needed. The longer the government allows companies, schools, etc to say minorities can be given preference over nonminorities, the longer the belief will be perpetrated that minorities need help in order to be successful. It is time for the government to leave us racial minorities alone, and let us strike out into the big, bad, predominately white society all on our lonesome. Let us fail on our own. Let us succeed on our own. We are not children in need of Mummy’s protection anymore. We are adult citizens, and we can do things without the government’s help.
I love you, Uncle Sam, but I don’t want your help.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Well, don't I sound smart?
People are like "Well, don't I sound smart for quoting this ridiculous quote?" No. Not really. You don't sound smart. You sound like a parrot spewing out every fancy quote you hear without stopping to think about what you are saying.
My least favorite of such quotes is "Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon." First of all "The sky's the limit" is supposed to be an encouraging quote. Why would someone need to try and improve on "the sky's the limit" when "the sky's the limit" is already telling you that you can do anything? So, "the sky is the limit" means "you have endless possibilities" and "there are footprints on the moon" means "you can do anything." What is being said then is "don't tell me I have endless possibilities, when I know that I can do anything." That makes no sense! And people actually like that quote?
Next time you want to sound smart by quoting a quotable quote (heh heh) maybe you should think about what the quote you are quoting (ahaha) actually means.